Saturday, May 31, 2014

SBI PO: Computer Objective Questions 3

1.Which generation of computer is still under development
a.Fourth Generation
b.Fifth Generation
c.Sixth Generation
d.Seventh Generation

2.Artificial Intelligence is associated with which generation?
a.First Generation
b.Second Generation
c.Fifth Generation
d.Sixth Generation

3.Which operation is not performed by computer

4.Fifth generation computer is also known as
a.Knowledge information processing system
b.Very large scale integration (VLSI)
c.Both of above
d.None of above

5.Central Processing Unit is combination of
a.Control and storage
b.Control and output unit
c.Arithmetic logic and input unit
d.Arithmetic logic and control unit

6.The brain of any computer system is
a.Control Unit
b.Arithmetic Logic Unit
c.Central Processing Unit
d.Storage Unit

7.Pick the one that is used for logical operations or comparisons such as less than equal to or greater than.
a.Arithmetic and Logic Unit
b.Control Unit
c.Both of above
d.None of above

8.Analog computer works on the supply of
a.Continuous electrical pulses
b.Electrical pulses but not continuous
c.Magnetic strength
d.None of the above

9.Digital devices are
a.Digital Clock
b.Automobile speed meter
c.Clock with a dial and two hands
d.All of them

10.The computer that process both analog and digital is called
a.Analog computer
b.Digital computer
c.Hybrid computer
d.Mainframe computer


1. Which generation of computer is still under development
Correct Answer: b. Fifth Generation

Explanation: Today’s computer fall under the fourth generation computers that uses the LSI and VLSI Integrated Circuits. For fifth generation computers it is expected for Ultra Large Scale Integrated Circuits (ULSI). The study for using Gallium Arsenide instead of silicon chips is underway. Electrons can travel 5 times faster in Gallium Arsenide compared to the silicon. Similarly, genetically engineered protein molecules are being tried for processors. Fifth generation computers are expected to have artificial intelligence, ability to use natural language.

2. Artificial Intelligence is associated with which generation?
Correct Answer: c. Fifth Generation

Explanation: ‘A computer is a slave in a box’. This is a saying due to the lack of intelligence in computer in spite of their speed, accuracy, diligence and reliability. A computer can only perform instructed task in the way already programmed. Thus, scientists are trying to develop artificial intelligence in computers so that they can think and make decisions themselves. This is expected for fifth generation computers.

3. Which operation is not performed by computer
Correct Answer: d. Understanding

Explanation: Computers can’t understand since they don’t have intelligence. Let’s hope in fifth generation they will achieve artificial intelligence and be able to understand.

4. Fifth generation computer is also known as
Correct Answer: a. Knowledge information processing system

Explanation: Fifth Generation computers will have artificial intelligence and will be able to understand making knowledge information processing system possible,

5. Central Processing Unit is combination of
Correct Answer: d. Arithmetic logic and control unit

Explanation: Arithmetic logic and control unit along with memory unit forms a complete central processing unit and central processing unit along with input/output unit forms a computer system.

6. The brain of any computer system is
Correct Answer: c. Central Processing Unit

Explanation: Control unit or arithmetic logical unit alone can not represent the function of brain to compare with neither does storage unit only. Central Processing Unit is the combination of control, arithmetic logic and memory units thus can be compared with brain that controls the body, processes its functions and remembers.

7. Pick the one that is used for logical operations or comparisons such as less than equal to or greater than.
Correct Answer: a. Arithmetic and Logic Unit

Explanation: Logical sub-unit of ALU performs all the comparisons such as less than equal to or greater than. Arithmetic sub-unit of ALU performs calculations such as addition, subtraction and so on.

8. Analog computer works on the supply of
Correct Answer: a. Continuous electrical pulses

Explanation: Analog computers works on the continuous electrical pulses and digital computers work on the discrete electrical pulses. Analog computers need to process physical quantities such as temperature, pressure, speed etc.

9. Digital devices are
Correct Answer: a. Digital Clock.

Explanation: Automobile speed meter and clock with a dial and two hands are analog devices. Speed meter works on speed of wheel and the later works on tension of dialed spring.

10. The computer that process both analog and digital is called
Correct Answer c. Hybrid Computer

Explanation: Analog, Digital and Hybrid are the three classes of computers based on the work or principle on which computer work. Hybrid computers can perform both the tasks of analog computers as well as hybrid computers. These computers are used in aircraft, hospitals where measuring physical quantities and converting them into digital data to analyze is required.

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